Mortgage Advisor Stephen

Stephen Patti
The Guy Who Talks Wrestling With You
Office: 256-425-0105
Cell: 203-513-1699
Stephen Patti (NMLS # 1795495) is the most professional person in this outfit but I'm not sure that's saying much. Stephen is a Yankee and has a degree in Marketing and Business Administration from Providence College in Rhode Island. Derek probably couldn't pick out Rhode Island on a map. Anyway Stephen has owned companies, ran companies, and has it together. He moved to the South from Connecticut, "God's Country, Pal," with his wife and three daughters. He ran into Conrad at Zanies in Nashville where they were both there to see "JR & the King" and the two hit it off. Before you know it Stephen was back in the mortgage business in Alabama. Stephen has been to dozens of Springsteen concerts and even more live wrestling matches. He's been a super fan since 1984 and listens to all of our podcasts. You won't find a better human being that Stephen Patti. He is a great family man who works hard to provide superior customer service. Not a rib