Larry Thompson

The Guy Who Talked Football With You

Office: 256-425-0105
Cell: 256-755-6873


Larry Thompson (NMLS #230886) is Conrad's dad. He used to take Conrad to WCW house shows and television taping in Montgomery, Alabama, all the time from 1989-1992. While Conrad was obsessed with the WWF as a kid, Larry preferred the NWA. As a kid Larry's favorite wrestlers were Jimmy Golden and Mr. Wrestling II. Larry doesn't want you to know this but he used to imitate Paul Bearer's voice to scare Conrad's friends whenever they had a sleepover in 1991. He also doesn't want you to know that to this day he moonwalks through the kitchen like Michael "PS" Hayes. Be sure to bring those up when you talk to him on the phone. Anyway Conrad recruited him into the mortgage business in 2002 and they've worked together ever since. Larry doesn't know how to listen to podcasts or really understand what the hell they are but we love him just the same. He thinks Bruce is silly and doesn't like that Tony is a Georgia fan. He once asked, "Is JR the guy in the cowboy hat?" Be nice to Larry.